We are revolutionizing talent to empower organizations for the current and future business cycles!

We increase the existing talent pool by 20%, while maintaining current cost and quality levels!

As the skills gap widens and digital transformation accelerates, we're taking action to unlock the untapped potential of the emerging workforce!

We Up/Re/Cross-skill professionals from a diverse range of backgrounds to bridge the industry’s massive skills shortage, thereby helping organizations fulfill any and every need for their talent!

Global Learners Trained by iPRIMED Since 2009

Snapshot of our Performance

Learners trained by us globally since 2009
0 +
Learners trained in Technology globally
0 +
Clients served globally
0 +
Global Diversity %
0 +
Secured Jobs globally
0 %+


Learner Testimonials - Success Stories at iPRIMED

I really enjoyed the opportunity to speak. I can feel an increase in my confidence. I can now initiate impromptu communication. I enjoyed participating in debates. Thinking on my feet helped me to build by vocabulary and also become conscious of the mistakes that I earlier made in grammar.

Learner Testimonials - Success Stories at iPRIMED

I am a native speaker of the Marathi language and hence had a tendency to think in my mother tongue and then translate it into English. The sessions have effectively addressed the issue. I am now more confident. I believe I made an effective start to a long journey.

Learner Testimonials - Success Stories at iPRIMED

The training sessions by iPRIMED brought out my old habit of interacting with collogues (pre-covid) and made me realize how much I enjoyed it, despite my busy schedule. I am clear with a lot of grammatical concepts that I earlier avoided. I feel the regular practice worksheets and the weekly assessments helped us stay on track of learning.

Learner Testimonials - Success Stories at iPRIMED

iPRIMED has renewed the confidence in me. My usage of fillers has reduced drastically. Earlier, I used to speak in a flat tone. The training has made me realize the benefits of tone and intonation. I can now speak to total strangers confidently. The entire program helped me understand the nuances of language and its effectiveness in daily life.

Learner Testimonials - Success Stories at iPRIMED

It was a good experience for me as I learnt about different aspects of grammar and core skills. I feel it is really needed to work efficiently in corporate sector. I knew a lot of things already but I was able to polish my skills and knowledge during the training period. Behavioral skills helped me to understand the importance of being a good communicator and team player.

Learner Testimonials - Success Stories at iPRIMED

I can surely say that I can see some changes in myself. I feel my level of confidence and fluency has improved and I am more comfortable around people. I picked up a lot of concepts both from language and core sessions and I am implementing them in my projects too. I got to know how important it is for us to be good at presentation and communication skills in corporates and I am happy that I was able to learn all of these things during the training period.

Learner Testimonials - Success Stories at iPRIMED

I feel that it went on pretty well. The biggest change that I see in myself is that I am more confident with video calls. Initially I used to feel nervous and uncomfortable to be on camera, but it has reduced to a lot of extent now. I have started being more fluent with my language and use less fillers. I have clarity on the things that I need to work on, so this self-awareness has been of great help. I am implementing it in my work as well and will keep in mind all that I have learnt during this period.

Learner Testimonials - Success Stories at iPRIMED

My confidence level has surely boosted up and I feel less hesitant to speak out in meetings. I can voice my opinion without the fear of being judged. This helps me in my day-to-day work. It has been a good learning experience and now I know better how far I have come and the areas that still need improvement. I got to know how to speak both correct and fluent English and I am trying to do the same on a daily basis.

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